About 'hope home health care'|... with Starbucks and doing home health care on the side of that, and then still being able to go out and perform, to give people a sense of reality and hope.
So this health care thing has passed and while the opinions on this matter and numerous and varied, the fact is that we're now all in this ship together. This bill affects both my wife and myself differently; for two individuals who've both used the health care our parents, college, and early jobs gave us enough, our opinions around the dinner table about this matter are different enough. Like all couples we both have different ideas about what our lives are, what they could be, and what they will become; but there are two points of this health care bill specifically which would impact our lives immediately if they went into effect today. Sec. 2301 Insurance Reforms: This is the one that my wife was tickled to learn about. Preexisting conditions. "For group health plans, prohibits preexisting condition exclusions in 2014;" that's the exact verbiage. My wife has generally worked in positions where she has been full time status and has always had health insurance. This is partly because she has had asthma for just about as long as she can remember. It wasn't diagnosed until she was 4 and she has always taken a ventolin rescue inhaler or steroid inhaler over that time. However every time she needed a refill for her inhaler; the same inhaler that she's taken for a quarter century, she would have to make an appointment with her doctor and get a prescription. This made getting her refills problematic. Living in big cities; always trying to be available for our craft; time is of the essence. Time is money. Moreover, the taxed, overworked, understaffed, doctors offices and clinics available to give her these tests made even getting an appointment a problem. I could always tell when her prescriptions were up because she would drag out her last inhaler and would delay taking a puff when she really needed it. When my wife worked for The Gap, for example, every time she needed a new refill it would have to be done with a new doctor's visit. I'm sure if her medicine suddenly wasn't working anymore; she would know it and she would tell her doctor. But if she's always been fine using the same prescription then that seems like a good enough reason to keep what works. Sec. 1002: For myself, I have been off the junk for many years now. I had to take a prescription medicine, Tegretol, for a lot of years. Granted I was in a coma for three weeks, but my brain was fine. I was young at the time and was good about taking my meds when I was still in the recovery process. But as my neurologist told me the last time I visited him four years ago; "the brain is a powerful thing."I felt fine; my doctor told me the risks of relapse were minimal so I got off the horse. In truth I had been taking my meds only sporadically for years and only around when I had my annual appointment. So I went back to being the young, healthy, sprightly individual I had always imagined I was. Granted time keeps moving but health insurance is really expensive and I have been working freelance since 2007; I couldn't afford health insurance. I have enough trouble paying my taxes at the end of the year. There is this section of the new health insurance mandate; "Sec. 1002. Individual responsibility." I studied up on this portion and the "mandate" that President Obama had been talking about spells it out thus: "Modifies the assessment that individuals who choose to remain uninsured pay in three ways." ...I'm sorry, what? Pay? So it seems; get it or get taxed on it. There are bottom level income thresholds but the basic tax looks to be to the tune of $495 or $750 a year. Granted that's not a lot of money but still the fact that I've got to pay anything (it's not as though I'm abusing clinics and emergency rooms or anything like that) is ludicrous. My hopes are that whenever this penalty does kick in I won't be still freelancing, but what does this mean Barack Obama? When will I begin getting taxed? And aren't I supposed to be guaranteed health insurance? The statistics for the unemployed and underemployed in America are still quite high; what about them? What about us? If you really are looking out for the little people then why are you penalizing those who can't afford health insurance or don't have the full time job which offers it? I would hope that all the work I've done to this point would be for something but I know that I'm going to have to make something of my life, else all is lost. Now even my wife is off the company dole. She has been acting as her primary source of income with the exception of a three month period for the last year. And she has no aims to stop acting. And I have no reason to ask her to stop. We're still young and reasonably healthy enough that this health care fiasco shouldn't cause too much worry. At the same time, with all this wrangling in Washington DC and in homes and families around America, the health care story doesn't appear to be over by a long shot. Source: http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2010/images/03/18/section.analysis.pdf |
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