About 'personal care homes'|Resident of unlicensed personal care home starts fire which kills two
The Administration on Aging estimates that by the year 2020, there will be 341,386,665 people age 60 and over in the U.S. As people age, they often require more and more services which means there will be more jobs available taking care of the elderly. Taking care of the elderly requires patience and compassion as well as good professional skills. Nursing Nurses take care of the elderly in a variety of settings including skilled nursing facilities or nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, doctors' office and in their own homes. They perform assessments, draw blood samples and start intravenous lines, change dressings, administer s and perform other skilled nursing procedures. Nursing assistants provide additional care in many of these settings. They assist elderly people with personal care, help them with meals, monitor vital signs and perform other tasks as needed. Home Health Care Many health care professionals provide home health care services for the elderly, including nurses, home health aides, social workers and physical therapists. They help elderly people stay as independent as possible for as long as possible and remain in their own homes with their families. Professionals that provide home health care services usually provide services to family members as well, educating them about their ones' conditions and teaching them to provide care to their loved ones when home health care professionals are not present in the home. Social Services Social workers provide a number of services to the elderly including referring them various community resources, helping them apply for benefits like Medicare and Medicaid and providing emotional support. They also provide services to family members that care for elderly parents or other relatives, such as educating them about their loved ones' needs and giving emotional support. Social workers provide services to the elderly in a number of settings including hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, clinics, adult day care centers, community agencies and in their own homes. Other Jobs A number of other professionals take care of the elderly in a variety of ways. Some physicians specialize in the care of the elderly. Physical and occupational therapists provide care for the elderly after injuries or illnesses that affect their motor skills. Some counselors and psychologists specialize in helping the elderly with emotional problems. Homemakers provide services like cleaning, grocery shopping and meal preparation. Accountants, attorneys and financial advisors help the elderly manage their money and get their affairs in order. Chaplains provide spiritual care and support to elderly people in hospitals, hospices and other settings. Sources: Administration on Aging. http://www.aoa.gov/AoARoot/Aging_Statistics/future_growth/future_growth.aspx . Projected Future Growth of the Older Population. Bureau of Labor Statistics. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos083.htm . Registered Nurses. Bureau of Labor Statistics. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos327.htm . Nursing and Psychiatric Aides. Bureau of Labor Statistics. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos060.htm . Social Workers. |
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Personal Care Homes - Blog Homepage Results
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... than evewre before with One on One Personal Care. It always makes me sad to...promise to never put her in a nursing home. That is simply a promise that most...
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